Integrated Circuits (also chips or microchips) are usually a group of electronic circuits on a small plate of silicon semiconductor materials. Integrating large miniature MOS transistors into a small chip, the resulting circuit is smaller, faster, and cheaper than that of the discrete electronic.
IC components are small in size, making it a high performance on switching quickly with less power consumption. It uses in almost all electronic equipment, computers, mobile phones, and other digital household appliances.
image |
Part Number |
Manufacture |
Package |
Description |
Category |
| DSPIC33FJ32MC104T-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP32GP504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP32MC504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP32MC204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32GP204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32GP204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GA704T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP512MC504-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GA204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64GS804-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3011-20I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3011T-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP504-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4011-20E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA704T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ48GA004T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ32GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV32KA304-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F32KA304T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GB204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP16GS504T-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP128GM304T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256GM304-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256GM604-H/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP512GM604-H/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GA204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP16GS504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128MC204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32MC204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32MC204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KM204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GB204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KM104-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP512GP504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512MC204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512GP204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512MC204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP128GP504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP128MC504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32GP104-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32MC104T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128MC204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32MC104-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32MC104T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP128GP504-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256GP504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256MC504-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256MC504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4011T-20I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F2023T-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 12KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F2023-20E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 12KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP128GS804-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3011T-20E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64GS504-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP204T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ64GP504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ64GP204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP512GP504-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ16GP304-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256MC204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP256GP204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP256MC204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GB204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ32GP204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128GP204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV128GM004-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KA304T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV128GM004T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KM204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KM204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3011-20E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA004-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA704-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GA704-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GA704-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP32MC204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP504T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP504-H/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256GP504-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ64GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32GB004-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256MC204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP256GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256MC504-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ32GP304-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128MC204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KM204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KM204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV64GM004-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KA304-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KA304-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP128GP504-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64MC204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32GA004-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32GA004T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GA704-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32GA104-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA004T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F32KA304-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA104-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GB004-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GA204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32MC204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GB204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3014-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3014-20I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3011-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP504-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4013-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4013-20I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4013T-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4011-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4011-20I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F2023-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 12KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4013-20E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA704-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ16GA004-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64MC204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ16GA004T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ48GA004-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV64GM104-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP256MC204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV32KA304T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA104T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GA204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F32KA304-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ64GB004T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32MC204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ64GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ64GP504-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP128GM604-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4011T-30I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GA704-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32GP204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32MC204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP32MC504-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F32KA304T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KA304T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ16GS504-H/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3010-20E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3012-20E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP512MC204-H/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512GP204-H/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512MC204-H/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP128GS704-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3010T-30I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3013-20E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ128GP204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP504T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ64GP504-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ128GP204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ64GP204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ64GP204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3013-20I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3013-30I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3013T-20I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3013T-30I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ64GP504T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3014-30I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ64MC204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ16GS504-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128GP204-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128MC204-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64GP504T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64MC504T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128GP204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP128MC204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KM204-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP16GS504-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV64GM004-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ48GA004T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ16GA004-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64MC204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64GP204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64MC204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64MC204-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64MC204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64GP204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64MC204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ16GA004T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32MC104T-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32GP204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32MC204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP32GP504T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP32MC504T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32GP204-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32MC204-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP32MC204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32GP204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP32MC204T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F2023-30I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 12KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |