Integrated Circuits (also chips or microchips) are usually a group of electronic circuits on a small plate of silicon semiconductor materials. Integrating large miniature MOS transistors into a small chip, the resulting circuit is smaller, faster, and cheaper than that of the discrete electronic.
IC components are small in size, making it a high performance on switching quickly with less power consumption. It uses in almost all electronic equipment, computers, mobile phones, and other digital household appliances.
image |
Part Number |
Manufacture |
Package |
Description |
Category |
| DSPIC30F2012T-20I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) | IC MCU 16BIT 12KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F3010T-20I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 24KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LF2580T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91RM9200-QI-002-T | Microchip Technology | 208-PQFP (28x28) | IC MCU 32BIT 128KB ROM 208PQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F2431T-E/SOG | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F2331T-E/SOG | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC30F4012T-20I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| ATAM893T-TKS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSO | IC MCU 4BIT 4KB EEPROM 20SSO | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91FR40161-CI | Microchip Technology | 120-BGA (17x11) | IC MCU 16/32BIT 2MB FLASH 120BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LF873AT-I/SOG | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F2331T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F258T-I/SOG | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LF2610T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 64KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C51CC03C-7CTIM | Microchip Technology | 64-CSPBGA (8x8) | IC MCU 8BIT 64KB FLASH 64CSPBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C51CC03U-7CTIM | Microchip Technology | 64-CSPBGA (8x8) | IC MCU 8BIT 64KB FLASH 64CSPBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F2439T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 12KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F2439-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 12KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC12LC508AT-04I/MF | Microchip Technology | 8-DFN (3x3) | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 8DFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F872T-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC432-I/P | Microchip Technology | 20-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F252T-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C55AT-40/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F876T-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F76T-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F876T-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F873T-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C242T-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F258-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC12LC508A-04I/MF | Microchip Technology | 8-DFN (3x3) | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 8DFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C925/CL | Microchip Technology | 68-CLCC (24.13x24.13) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB EPROM/UV 68CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C770-E/P | Microchip Technology | 20-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M55800-33CI | Microchip Technology | 176-BGA (13x13) | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 176BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LC252T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C242T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC73BT-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC73BT-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC773T/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC62AT-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC62BT-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC63T-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC642-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC642T-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC55AT-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC55AT-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC57CT-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC57CT-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C76T-20E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C76T-20I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C773T/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72T-20I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72T-20/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C73A-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C73AT-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C73AT-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C73AT-10I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C73BT-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C73BT-20/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C76-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C76-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C76T-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C76T-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C76T-10I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72A-20E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72AT-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72AT-20E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72AT-20/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72T-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72T-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72T-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72T-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72T-10I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72T-10/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C66-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C66-20E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C66T-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C66T-20I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C62A-20E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C62AT-10I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C62AT-10/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C62AT-20/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C62BT-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C62BT-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C62BT-20I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C63AT-20E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C63T-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C63T-04/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C63T-20/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C642-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C642-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C642-20/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C642T-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C642T-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57-10E/P | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57-LPE/P | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57CT-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57T-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57T-10I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57T-LP/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57T-RCI/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57T-XT/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F248-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C55-RCE/P | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC12C509/JW | Microchip Technology | 8-CDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.5KB EPROM/UV 8CDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C64A/JW | Microchip Technology | 40-Cerdip | IC MCU 8B 3.5KB EPROM 40CERDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC12C672/JW | Microchip Technology | 8-CDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB EPROM/UV 8CDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C505/JW | Microchip Technology | 14-CDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.5KB EPROM 14CDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C442/JW | Microchip Technology | 40-Cerdip | IC MCU 8B 16KB EPROM/UV 40CERDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC12CE519T-04E/SN | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1.5KB OTP 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C55-XTE/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C55AT-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C55T-10E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C55T-HSE/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C55T-RC/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ16GA002-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F08KM202-I/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 8KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KM102-I/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV08KM202-I/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 8KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KM102-I/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64MC202-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64MC202-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KL401-I/P | Microchip Technology | 20-PDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 20DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ16MC102-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33CDVC128MP506-I/M9 | Microchip Technology | 64-VGQFN (9x9) | DSPIC33C 100MHZ, 256K FLASH, 24K | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33CDV256MP506-I/M9 | Microchip Technology | 64-VGQFN (9x9) | DSPIC33C 100MHZ, 256K FLASH, 24K | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GL408T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F08KM101-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 8KB FLASH 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32GA102T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GU405T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 48-TQFP (7x7) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 48TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32MC102-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN (6x6) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GL405-E/M4 | Microchip Technology | 48-UQFN (6x6) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 48UQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ06GS101A-E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 6KB FLASH 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ06GS101A-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 6KB FLASH 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F32KA301T-I/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GU406T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32GA002-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN (6x6) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV32GM102T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KA301-E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64GP502-E/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64MC502-E/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F08KM204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KM104-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV08KM204-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV32GM102-I/MM | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN-S (6x6) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV32GM004-I/P8 | Microchip Technology | 48-TQFP (7x7) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 48TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GL406-E/MR | Microchip Technology | 64-QFN (9x9) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F16KA302T-I/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KA302T-I/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ512GL406T-I/MR | Microchip Technology | 64-QFN (9x9) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ16GA004-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EV128GM002-I/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64GP204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP64MC204-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64MC502-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KM202-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP64MC503-E/M5 | Microchip Technology | 36-VTLA (5x5) | IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 36VTLA | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GU405-E/M4 | Microchip Technology | 48-UQFN (6x6) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 48UQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GL405-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 48-TQFP (7x7) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 48TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32GA102T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN (6x6) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GL410T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ512GU405T-I/M4 | Microchip Technology | 48-UQFN (6x6) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 48UQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ512GL406T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GL408T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GU406T-I/MR | Microchip Technology | 64-QFN (9x9) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FV16KA302T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ32MC104-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-QFN (8x8) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GL406-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP16GS502T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ48GA002-E/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 16BIT 48KB FLASH 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24F32KA301-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GU406T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ32GP304-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP256MC506-E/MR | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 64VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GA610-E/BG | Microchip Technology | 121-TFBGA | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLSH 121TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP512MC502-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 28-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 28SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GB610-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ1024GA606-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 1MB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ512GB606-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ1024GA606-E/MR | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 1MB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512GP202-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512MC202-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ512GB606-E/MR | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32GP304-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33EP512MC204-E/MV | Microchip Technology | 48-UFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 48UQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512GP204-E/MV | Microchip Technology | 48-UFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 48UQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512MC204-E/MV | Microchip Technology | 48-UFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 48UQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512GP204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24EP512MC204-E/ML | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 44QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ512GA610-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GA610-E/BG | Microchip Technology | 121-TFBGA | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLSH 121TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ32GP302-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GB610-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ16GS404-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ256GA606-E/MR | Microchip Technology | 64-QFN (9x9) | IC MCU 16BIT 256KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GB606-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32GP202-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GB606-E/MR | Microchip Technology | 64-QFN (9x9) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24FJ128GA610-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC24HJ32GP304-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| DSPIC33FJ32GP302-E/MM | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN-S (6x6) | IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |