Integrated Circuits (also chips or microchips) are usually a group of electronic circuits on a small plate of silicon semiconductor materials. Integrating large miniature MOS transistors into a small chip, the resulting circuit is smaller, faster, and cheaper than that of the discrete electronic.
IC components are small in size, making it a high performance on switching quickly with less power consumption. It uses in almost all electronic equipment, computers, mobile phones, and other digital household appliances.
image |
Part Number |
Manufacture |
Package |
Description |
Category |
| ATMEGA8535-16MC | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN (7x7) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8515-16MC | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN (7x7) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8535-16AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8-16MI | Microchip Technology | 32-VQFN (5x5) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 32VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8L-8MC | Microchip Technology | 32-VQFN (5x5) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 32VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8515L-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8535L-8JC | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.6x16.6) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8535L-8AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8L-8MI | Microchip Technology | 32-VQFN (5x5) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 32VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8535L-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8515L-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8535L-8MI | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN (7x7) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8515L-8MI | Microchip Technology | 44-VQFN (7x7) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8515L-8JI | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.6x16.6) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8535L-8AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY26-16MC | Microchip Technology | 32-VQFN (5x5) | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 32VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY26-16PC | Microchip Technology | 20-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 20DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F84AT-04E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB FLASH 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F84AT-20E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB FLASH 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F870T-E/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB FLASH 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F871-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC925T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 68-PLCC (24.23x24.23) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 68PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC925T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC926T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 68-PLCC (24.23x24.23) | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB OTP 68PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE623-04E/P | Microchip Technology | 18-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 896B OTP 18DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE623-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 896B OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE623T-04E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 896B OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE624-04E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE624T-04I/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE625-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE625-04E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE625T-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE625T-04E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE625T-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LCE625T-04I/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LF76T-I/ML | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN (6x6) | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C752-33E/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C752T-33E/L | Microchip Technology | 68-PLCC (24.23x24.23) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 68PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C756A-16E/L | Microchip Technology | 68-PLCC (24.23x24.23) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 68PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C756A-33E/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C756AT-33E/L | Microchip Technology | 68-PLCC (24.23x24.23) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 68PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C756AT-33E/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C762-16E/L | Microchip Technology | 84-PLCC (29.31x29.31) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 84PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C762-16E/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C762-33E/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C762T-16E/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C762T-33E/L | Microchip Technology | 84-PLCC (29.31x29.31) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 84PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C766-33E/L | Microchip Technology | 84-PLCC (29.31x29.31) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 84PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C766-33E/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC17C766T-16E/L | Microchip Technology | 84-PLCC (29.31x29.31) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 84PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F458-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LF458-I/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F458-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F448-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LF448-I/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F448-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F458-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F628-20E/P | Microchip Technology | 18-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB FLASH 18DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F627-20E/P | Microchip Technology | 18-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB FLASH 18DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F627T-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB FLASH 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F458T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F448T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F628T-04E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB FLASH 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F628T-20E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB FLASH 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C72AT-20I/ML | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN (6x6) | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C73BT-20I/ML | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN (6x6) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C63AT-20I/ML | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN (6x6) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C717T-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC771T/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC717T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC770T/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C858T-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LC858T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LC658T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C658T-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C54CT-40/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C55AT-40/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C54CT-40/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C56AT-40/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C57CT-40/SS | Microchip Technology | 28-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 28SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C56AT-40/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C58BT-40/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F877T-10E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F77T-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F874T-04E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F74T-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F874T-10E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C452T-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16CE625T-30/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C622AT-40/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16CE623T-30/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 896B OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C774T-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC717T-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C621AT-40/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C801T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 80-TQFP (12x12) | IC MCU 8BIT ROMLESS 80TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C601T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT ROMLESS 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LC601T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT ROMLESS 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F248-I/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F448-I/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F458-I/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18F458-I/P | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC782T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC782T-I/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC781T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB OTP 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LF452T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M42800A-33AI | Microchip Technology | 144-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C433T-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C433T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F84A-04E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB FLASH 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA161L-4PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C858-E/L | Microchip Technology | 84-PLCC (29.31x29.31) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 84PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C774-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C442-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F874-10E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F874-04E/P | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C252-E/SP | Microchip Technology | 28-SPDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 28SPDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C452-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F874-04E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C774-E/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC771-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F874-04E/PQ | Microchip Technology | 44-MQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44MQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C73B-20I/ML | Microchip Technology | 28-QFN (6x6) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 28QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C770-E/SO | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16CE625-30/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C601T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 68-PLCC (24.23x24.23) | IC MCU 8BIT ROMLESS 68PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LC858T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 84-PLCC (29.31x29.31) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 84PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C925T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 68-PLCC (24.23x24.23) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 68PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C801T-I/L | Microchip Technology | 84-PLCC (29.31x29.31) | IC MCU 8BIT ROMLESS 84PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16CE624-30/P | Microchip Technology | 18-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB OTP 18DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16CE623-30/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 896B OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16CE624-30/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16CE624-30/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16CE623-30/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 896B OTP 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C58B-40/P | Microchip Technology | 18-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 3KB OTP 18DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C621A-40/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C54C-40/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 768B OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18C452T-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB OTP 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F74T-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C774T-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F77T-E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F874T-04E/L | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F874T-10E/PQ | Microchip Technology | 44-MQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB FLASH 44MQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F877T-04E/PQ | Microchip Technology | 44-MQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 44MQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C774T-E/PQ | Microchip Technology | 44-MQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 44MQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16F877T-10E/PQ | Microchip Technology | 44-MQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 14KB FLASH 44MQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C770T-E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C771T-E/SS | Microchip Technology | 20-SSOP | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 20SSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LC770T-I/SO | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16C771T/SO | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 7KB OTP 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT87LV52-16PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C1051-24SI | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C1051U-12PI | Microchip Technology | 20-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 20DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C2051-12PI | Microchip Technology | 20-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 20DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C2051-12SC | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C4051-12SI | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C51RC-24AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C51RC-24JC | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.6x16.6) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C55WD-24AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 20KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C55WD-24JC | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.6x16.6) | IC MCU 8BIT 20KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89C55WD-24PC | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 20KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LS53-12AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 12KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LS53-12PC | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 12KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LS8252-12AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LS8252-12JC | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.6x16.6) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LS8252-12JI | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.6x16.6) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LS8252-12PC | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LS8252-12PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LV51-12AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LV51-12JC | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.6x16.6) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LV51-12PC | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LV51-12PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LV52-12JC | Microchip Technology | 44-PLCC (16.6x16.6) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT89LV52-12PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY11L-2PC | Microchip Technology | 8-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 8DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY11L-2PI | Microchip Technology | 8-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 8DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY11L-2SC | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY12-8PC | Microchip Technology | 8-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 8DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY12V-1SI | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA323L-4PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128L-8AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP (14x14) | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA161-8AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA161-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA161L-4AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA323-8AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA323-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA323-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA323L-4AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA323L-4AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8L-8AC | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP (7x7) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8L-8AI | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP (7x7) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA8L-8PI | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA161L-4PC | Microchip Technology | 40-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LC442-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC18LC442T-I/PT | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP (10x10) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90LS4433-4PC | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90LS4433-4PI | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| PIC16LF627T-04I/SO | Microchip Technology | 18-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1.75KB FLASH 18SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY15L-1PI | Microchip Technology | 8-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 8DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY15L-1SI | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 1KB FLASH 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| ATTINY28L-4AI | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP (7x7) | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |