Integrated Circuits (also chips or microchips) are usually a group of electronic circuits on a small plate of silicon semiconductor materials. Integrating large miniature MOS transistors into a small chip, the resulting circuit is smaller, faster, and cheaper than that of the discrete electronic.
IC components are small in size, making it a high performance on switching quickly with less power consumption. It uses in almost all electronic equipment, computers, mobile phones, and other digital household appliances.
image |
Part Number |
Manufacture |
Package |
Description |
Category |
| ATMEGA2561-16MI | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 256KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA2561-16AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 256KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA2560V-8AI | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 256KB FLASH 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA2560-16AUA0 | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 256KB FLASH 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA16L-8PJ | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA16L-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA16L-8MJ | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169V-8MU | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169V-8MI | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169V-8AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169V-1AC | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169L-8AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169L-4MC | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169-16MU | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169-16MI | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169-16AU | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA169-16AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168V-10PI | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168V-10AI | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168-20MI | Microchip Technology | 32-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168-20AI | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168-15MZ | Microchip Technology | 32-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168-15MT1 | Microchip Technology | 32-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168-15MT | Microchip Technology | 32-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168-15AZ | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168-15AT1 | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA168-15AT | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA165V-8MU | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA165V-8MI | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA165V-8AU | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA165V-8AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA165-16MI | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA165-16AU | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA165-16AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA164PV-10MCUR | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA164PV-10MCU | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA164P-A15MZ | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA164P-A15AZ | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA164P-20MCUR | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA164P-15MZ | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA164P-15MT1 | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA164P-15AT1 | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA163L-4PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA163L-4AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA163-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA163-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA163-8AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162V-8PJ | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162V-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162V-8MJ | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162V-8MI | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162V-8AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162V-1PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162V-1MC | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162L-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162L-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162L-8MI | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162L-8AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162-16PJ | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162-16PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162-16PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162-16MJ | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162-16MI | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162-16AJ | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA162-16AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA161L-4AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA161-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA161-8AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA16-16MJ | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA16-16MC | Microchip Technology | 44-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44VQFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA16-16AJ | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA16-16AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128L-8MJ | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128L-8MI | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128L-8AJ | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128L-8AC | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128-16MC | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128-16AJ | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128-16AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA128-16AC | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA103L-4AI | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| ATMEGA103L-4AC | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC256B-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 256KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC256B-CU | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 256KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC256B-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC256B-AU | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC256-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC128-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC128B-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC128B-CU | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC128B-AU | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7XC128-AU | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X512-CU | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 512KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X256-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 256KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X256-CU | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 256KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X256B-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 256KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X256-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X128-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X128-CU | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X128B-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-TFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB 100TFBGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X128B-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X128B-AU | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7X128-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7SE512-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32B 512KB FLASH 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7SE512-CU | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32B 512KB FLASH 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7SE32-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLSH 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7SE32-CU | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLSH 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7SE256-CU-999 | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLASH 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7SE256-CU | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLASH 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S64-MU | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16/32BIT 64KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S64-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 64KB FLSH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S64-AU-001 | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 64KB FLSH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S512-MU-999 | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16/32BIT 512KB FLSH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S512-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 512KB FLASH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S32B-MU | Microchip Technology | 48-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLASH 48QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S32B-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 48-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLSH 48LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S32B-AU | Microchip Technology | 48-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLSH 48LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S32-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 48-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLSH 48LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S32-AU-001 | Microchip Technology | 48-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLSH 48LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S321-MU-999 | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S321-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLSH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S321-AU | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 32KB FLSH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S256-MU | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16/32BIT 256KB FLSH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S256C-MU-999 | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16/32BIT 256KB FLSH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S256C-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLASH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S16-MU | Microchip Technology | 48-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 16/32BIT 16KB FLASH 48QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S16-AU | Microchip Technology | 48-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT 16KB FLSH 48LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S128C-AU-999 | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLASH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7S128C-AU | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLASH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7L64-CU | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT 64KB FLSH 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7A3-AU | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLSH 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91SAM7A1-AU | Microchip Technology | 144-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91RM3400-AU | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 32BIT 256KB ROM 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91R40807-33AC | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91R40008-66AI | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M43300-25CJ | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M43300-25CC | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M42800A-33CI-T | Microchip Technology | 144-LFBGA | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144BGA | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M42800-33AI | Microchip Technology | 144-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M40800-33AI-T | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M40800-33AI | Microchip Technology | 100-LQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M40400-33AC | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT91M40400-25AI | Microchip Technology | 100-TQFP | IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90USB1287-16AUR | Microchip Technology | 64-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90SCR100H-Z1T | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 64KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90SCR100H-Z1R | Microchip Technology | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | IC MCU 8BIT 64KB FLASH 64QFN | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90SCR100H-ALT | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 64KB FLASH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90SCR100H-ALR | Microchip Technology | 64-LQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 64KB FLASH 64LQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8535-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8535-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8535-8JI | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8535-8AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8535-8AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-8JC | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-8AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-8AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-4PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-4PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-4JI | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-4JC | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-4AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515A-4AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-8JI | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-8JC | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-8AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-4PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-4PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-4JI | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S8515-4AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4434-8JI | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4434-8JC | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4433-8PI | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4433-8PC | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4433-8AI | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4433-8AC | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-8PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-8PC | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-8JI | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-8JC | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-8AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-8AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-4PI | Microchip Technology | 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 40DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-4JI | Microchip Technology | 44-LCC (J-Lead) | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44PLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-4AI | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S4414-4AC | Microchip Technology | 44-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2343-10SI | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2343-10PI | Microchip Technology | 8-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 8DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2343-10PC | Microchip Technology | 8-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 8DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2333-8PI | Microchip Technology | 28-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 28DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2333-8AI | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2333-8AC | Microchip Technology | 32-TQFP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 32TQFP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2323-10SC | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2323-10PI | Microchip Technology | 8-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 8DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2323-10PC | Microchip Technology | 8-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 8DIP | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2313-4SI | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2313-4SC | Microchip Technology | 20-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 20SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| AT90S2313-4PC | Microchip Technology | 20-PDIP | IC MCU 8BIT 2KB FLASH 20DIP | Integrated Circuits |