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Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) is an American technology company focused on semiconductor solutions for analog chips and embedded processors, which account for more than 80% of its revenue. Besides, it also include  digital light processing, educational technology, Sensor and control. It has manufacturing, design, and sales facilities in 25 countries. 

With broad product portfolios includes approximately 80,000 products that help customers efficiently manage power, accurately sense and transmit data, and provide core control or processing in customers' electronic systems. It creates differentiated applications in markets such as industrial, automotive, personal electronics, communications equipment, and enterprise systems. 

The products include digital signal processors, digital-to-analog converters, analog-to-digital converters, energy management, analog integrated circuits, calculators, microcontrollers, and multi-core processors. TI also focuses on Wireless communications. 

In 2011, TI acquired National Semiconductor and obtained a combined portfolios of 45,000 analog products and customer design tools. It made TI the leading manufacturer of analog circuit components.

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