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STMicroelectronics is a global leading semiconductor manufacturer that develops and designs semiconductor solutions across the spectrum of microelectronics applications. Formed by the merger of Italy's SGS Microelectronics and France's Thomson Semiconductor in 1987. 

As a semiconductor Integrated Device Manufacturer (IDM), ST has 14 advanced production bases. It provides innovative smart driving and IoT semiconductor solutions to customers in different electronic application fields. 

STMicroelectronics is also the world's largest manufacturer of special-purpose analog chips and power conversion chips, the world's largest supplier of industrial semiconductors and set-top box chips, and a world leader in discrete devices, mobile phone camera modules, and automotive integrated circuits.

The products include single- and multi-core Automotive MCUs, Discrete and Power Transistors, MEMS Sensors and Microactuators, General-purpose and Secure Microcontrollers, Analog, Industrial, and Power Conversion ICs, Memories, and Advanced Digital and RF mmW solutions.

In May 2007, ST and Intel jointly established Numonyx, which merged the respective flash memory divisions of ST and Intel.

In April 2008, ST and NXP Semiconductors announced the formation of a new joint venture, ST-NXP Wireless, to integrate the respective mobile communication divisions of ST and NXP. 

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