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Integrated Circuits

Integrated Circuits (also chips or microchips) are usually a group of electronic circuits on a small plate of silicon semiconductor materials. Integrating large miniature MOS transistors into a small chip, the resulting circuit is smaller, faster, and cheaper than that of the discrete electronic.

IC components are small in size, making it a high performance on switching quickly with less power consumption. It uses in almost all electronic equipment, computers, mobile phones, and other digital household appliances.

image Part Number Manufacture Package Description Category
LMV932Q1MAX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA1692IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC AUDIO 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV4111IDGNRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8HVSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV2451IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2432IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMV722MMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA728AIDGKTTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC662AIMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LPV542DNXTTexas Instruments8-XFDFNIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8X1SONIntegrated Circuits
LT1013CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMH6658MM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP VFB 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMV822Q1MM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LPV802DGKTTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMV722MM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLC082IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMH6601MG/NOPBTexas Instruments6-TSSOP, SC-88, SOT-363IC OPAMP VFB 1 CIRCUIT SC70-6Integrated Circuits
LMV641MAE/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC082AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC2272AMDRG4Texas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2462CDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
INA597IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA1652AIDRGTTexas InstrumentsWSON8IC AUDIO 2 CIRCUIT 8SONIntegrated Circuits
TLC27M7CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA343UA/2K5Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2344EA/250Texas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV2262AIPWRTexas Instruments8-TSSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8TSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6442AIMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2242IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2252AIPWRTexas Instruments8-TSSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8TSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA145IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2330AIDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP ZERO-DRIFT 2CIRC 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2322AIDRGTTexas InstrumentsWSON8IC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SONIntegrated Circuits
LM7332MM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMP7716QMME/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2388IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP ZER-DRIFT 2CIRC 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2830IDGKTTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP VFB 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2626IDGKTTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP VFB 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2677IDDARTexas Instruments8-PowerSOICIC OPAMP CFA 2 CIRC 8SOPWRPADIntegrated Circuits
OPA2704UA/2K5Texas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA551FA/500G3Texas InstrumentsTO-263-8, D2Pak 7 Leads + Tab, TO-263CAIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRC DDPAK/TO263-7Integrated Circuits
OPA855QDSGRQ1Texas Instruments8-WFDFNIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8WSONIntegrated Circuits
OPA656U/2K5Texas Instruments8-SOICIC VOLTAGE FEEDBACK 1 CIRC 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA827AIDGKTTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP JFET 1 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA544FKTTTG3Texas InstrumentsTO-263-6, D2Pak 5 Leads + Tab, TO-263BAIC POWER 1 CIRCUIT DDPAK/TO263-5Integrated Circuits
VCA8613YTTexas Instruments64-TQFPIC VARIABLE GAIN 8 CIRC 64TQFPIntegrated Circuits
LM358DRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LM258DRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TL062CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TL072CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMV358IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
NE5532ADRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TL072ACDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV9002QDRQ1Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TL052CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMV342IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV9052IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV8812DGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TSV912AIPWRTexas Instruments8-TSSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8TSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV9002SIYCKRTexas Instruments9-BGA, DSBGAIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 9DSBGAIntegrated Circuits
TLV9302IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV9062IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LM358AMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LM358MX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LM2904MX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TL061ACDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV272CDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV272CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC271CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV272IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV272IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV9062QDRQ1Texas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
NE5534ADRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OP07DDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMC6032IMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LPV358MX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV9062IDSGRTexas Instruments8-WFDFNIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8WSONIntegrated Circuits
TLV2316IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TL072BCDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TL082BCDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2313QDRQ1Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV9152IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2348AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LF353MX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC27L2BIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV9152QDGKRQ1Texas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLC272IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV9152IDSGRTexas Instruments8-WFDFNIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8WSONIntegrated Circuits
TLV2314IDGKTTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6482IMMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6482IMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LPV542DGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLE2021CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2990IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC272BIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMV822MX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2172IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLE2021IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMV932MAX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2377AIDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2377AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMC6035IMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMC6482IMM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMH6643MAX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC VOLTAGE FEEDBACK 2 CIRC 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2991IPWRTexas Instruments8-TSSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8TSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA1641AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC AUDIO 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMV772MMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMV822MM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6482AIMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2990IDSGRTexas Instruments8-WFDFNIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8WSONIntegrated Circuits
LPV802DGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV2372IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2372IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV2372IDRG4Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2171AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2171AIDCURTexas Instruments8-VFSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2171AIDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV2333IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP ZERO-DRIFT 2 CIRC 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2333IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP ZERO-DRIFT 2CIRC 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LM358AM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC2262CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC2272ACPWRTexas Instruments8-TSSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8TSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLC2272ACDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMV932MM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2170AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2170AIDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2170AIDSGRTexas Instruments8-WFDFNIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8WSONIntegrated Circuits
LMV358M/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2197QDGKRQ1Texas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6035IMM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6035ITLX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-WFBGA, DSBGAIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8DSBGAIntegrated Circuits
TLC2272CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC2272IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LT1013DIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LT1013DDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2372QDRQ1Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2372QDRG4Q1Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2172IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2172IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA1652AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC AUDIO 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC2262AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC2262AIPWRTexas Instruments8-TSSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8TSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA1662AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC AUDIO 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2325IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLC072CDGNRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8HVSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLC072IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC082CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2314AIDRBTTexas Instruments8-VDFNIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SONIntegrated Circuits
LM7321MAX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC2262IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2171AQDRQ1Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA1642AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC AUDIO 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLE2022CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
NE5532ADTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TL062IDSTMicroelectronics8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2196IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2196IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLC277CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2322AIDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMH6612MAX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2382IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2863IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP VFB 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2344EA/2K5Texas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2197IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV2462CDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TL072QDREPTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP JFET 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2452CDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2244EA/2K5Texas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
INA317IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP ZERO-DRIFT 1CIRC 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA1642AQDGKRQ1Texas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC AUDIO 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2376AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2376AIDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2376AIYZDRTexas Instruments8-XFBGA, DSBGAIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8DSBGAIntegrated Circuits
OPA340UA/2K5Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2462IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6482IMMTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA189IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP ZERO-DRIFT 1 CIRC 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA1692IDGKTTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC AUDIO 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
TLV2452IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2171AIDCUTTexas Instruments8-VFSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LM7332MAX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2727AIDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMC6062IMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
INA827AIDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC INST AMP 1 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA1656IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC AUDIO 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2333IDGKTTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP ZERO-DRIFT 2CIRC 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2322AQDGKRQ1Texas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6482AIMXTexas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2402IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LM7322MM/NOPBTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LM7322MAX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
TLV2472IDGNRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8HVSSOPIntegrated Circuits
LMC6081AIMX/NOPBTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2170AIDCUTTexas Instruments8-VFSOPIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2170AIDSGTTexas Instruments8-WFDFNIC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8WSONIntegrated Circuits
OPA2343EA/2K5Texas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA2343UA/2K5Texas Instruments8-SOICIC CMOS 2 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2180IDRTexas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP ZERO-DRIFT 2 CIRC 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
OPA2180IDGKRTexas Instruments8-TSSOP, 8-MSOPIC OPAMP ZERO-DRIFT 2CIRC 8VSSOPIntegrated Circuits
OPA177GS/2K5Texas Instruments8-SOICIC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT 8SOICIntegrated Circuits
LMH6611MKE/NOPBTexas InstrumentsSOT-23-6 Thin, TSOT-23-6IC OPAMP GP 1 CIRCUIT TSOT23-6Integrated Circuits