Integrated Circuits (also chips or microchips) are usually a group of electronic circuits on a small plate of silicon semiconductor materials. Integrating large miniature MOS transistors into a small chip, the resulting circuit is smaller, faster, and cheaper than that of the discrete electronic.
IC components are small in size, making it a high performance on switching quickly with less power consumption. It uses in almost all electronic equipment, computers, mobile phones, and other digital household appliances.
image |
Part Number |
Manufacture |
Package |
Description |
Category |
| LX8554-33CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 3.3V 5A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8582A-00CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 8.5A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8584B-33CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 7A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8585A-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 4.6A TO263 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8587A-33CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 3.3V 3A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117A-28CDT | Microsemi Corporation | TO-252-3, DPak (2 Leads + Tab), SC-63 | IC REG LINEAR 2.85V 1A TO252 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117B-05CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 5V 1.2A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383-33IV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 7.5A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8386A-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A TO263 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8415-25CST | Microsemi Corporation | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LIN 2.5V 500MA SOT223 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8554-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 5A TO263 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8580A-00CDF | Microsemi Corporation | SPak-5 (5 leads + Tab) | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 7.5A 5SPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8587A-15CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 1.5V 3A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8630-33CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 3.3V 3A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117A-33CST | Microsemi Corporation | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LIN 3.3V 1A SOT223 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383-00IP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 Cropped Leads | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 7.5A TO220 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385-33IP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 3.3V 3A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8554-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 5A TO220 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| SG137K-883B | Microsemi Corporation | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LIN NEG ADJ 1.5A TO3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117-00CDT | Microsemi Corporation | TO-252-3, DPak (2 Leads + Tab), SC-63 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 800MA TO252 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8386B-33CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 3.3V 1.5A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8586A-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 6A TO220 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8587A-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 3A TO220 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8587A-15CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 1.5V 3A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117-25CST | Microsemi Corporation | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LIN 2.5V 800MA SOT223 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383-00CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 7.5A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383A-33IP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 Cropped Leads | IC REG LIN 3.3V 7.5A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385-05CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LINEAR 5V 3A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385-05CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LINEAR 5V 3A ZZ | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385A-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 3A TO220 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8584-33CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 3.3V 7A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8586-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 6A TO220 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8587-33CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 3.3V 3A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8587A-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 3A TO263 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| SG137K | Microsemi Corporation | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR NEG ADJ 1.5A TO3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117B-28CST | Microsemi Corporation | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LIN 2.85V 1.2A SOT223 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383A-33CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 Cropped Leads | IC REG LIN 3.3V 7.5A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383A-33CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 7.5A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8386B-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A TO220 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8386B-33CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 3.3V 1.5A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8584A-33CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 7A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG137AIG-883B | Microsemi Corporation | TO-257-3 | IC REG LIN NEG ADJ 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG723T-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-99-10 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 150MA TO99 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117L-883B | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117L-TR | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| SG1532J | Microchip Technology | 14-CDIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 14CERDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8213-33ISE | Microsemi Corporation | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 300MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8213-00ISE | Microsemi Corporation | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 300MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8941CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-6, D2Pak (5 Leads + Tab), TO-263BA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1A TO263 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8817-25CDF | Microsemi Corporation | SPak-7 (7 leads + Tab) | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 7SPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8940CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LINEAR 5V 1A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8940IP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LINEAR 5V 1A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8816-04CDF | Microsemi Corporation | SPak-5 (5 leads + Tab) | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1A/1A 5SPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8941CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-5 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1A TO220 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117A-28CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 2.85V 1A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8386-00IP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A TO220 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8584A-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 7A TO220 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8221-AIDU | Microsemi Corporation | 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 10MSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117-33CDT | Microsemi Corporation | TO-252-3, DPak (2 Leads + Tab), SC-63 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 800MA TO252 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8382-33CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 10A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383A-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 Cropped Leads | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 7.5A TO220 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 3A TO263 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385A-05CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LINEAR 5V 3A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385A-33CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 3.3V 3A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385B-05CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LINEAR 5V 3A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8580A-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-6, D2Pak (5 Leads + Tab), TO-263BA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 7.5A TO263-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX13043CLD | Microsemi Corporation | 6-VDFN | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 1A 6DFN | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117B-33CST | Microsemi Corporation | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LIN 3.3V 1.2A SOT223 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8211-27ISE | Microsemi Corporation | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 2.7V 150MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8211-28ISE | Microsemi Corporation | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 2.8V 150MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8211-33ISE | Microsemi Corporation | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 150MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8382A-33CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 10A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383-33IP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 Cropped Leads | IC REG LIN 3.3V 7.5A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8383B-00CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 7.5A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385B-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 3A TO263 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8386A-33CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 3.3V 1.5A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8554-33CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 3.3V 5A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8580-00CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-5 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 7A TO220-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8213-10ISE | Microsemi Corporation | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 1V 300MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8240ILD | Microsemi Corporation | 8-WFDFN | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 800MA 8WDFN | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117-25CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 2.5V 800MA TO263 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8221-DIDU | Microsemi Corporation | 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 10MSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385-05IP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LINEAR 5V 3A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8385A-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 3A TO263 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8386-00IDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A TO263 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8415-00CST | Microsemi Corporation | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 500MA SOT223 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8585-15CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 1.5V 4.6A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8585A-15CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 1.5V 4.6A TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8585A-15CP | Microsemi Corporation | TO-220-3 | IC REG LIN 1.5V 4.6A TO220 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8587-00CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 3A TO263 PWR | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8117-05CDD | Microsemi Corporation | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LIN 5V 800MA TO263 POWER | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8584A-00CV | Microsemi Corporation | TO-247-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 7A TO247-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| SGR117AIG-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-247-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A TO247AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808AT-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117HVIG-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7818AIG | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808AT | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7824K | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808AT-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117AL | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7806T | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117AHVG-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117AHVT-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| LR8N3-G-P003 | Microchip Technology | TO-226-3, TO-92-3 (TO-226AA) | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 10MA TO92-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7905AL-DESC | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LINEAR 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7824T | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG1532T | Microchip Technology | TO-99-10 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 250MA TO99 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7805AG-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7908T | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SGR117AT | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117AL-883B | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7915IG-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR -15V 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7824K-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7818L-883B | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LINEAR 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| TC55RP4002ECB713 | Microchip Technology | TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3 | IC REG LINEAR 4V 200MA SOT23A-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG137AL-DESC | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LIN NEG ADJ 500MA 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7818K-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7815AG-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG137L-DESC | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LIN NEG ADJ 500MA 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117IG | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG1532T-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-99-10 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 250MA TO99 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808K-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808AK | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117G-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG1532J-883B | Microchip Technology | 14-CDIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 14CERDIP | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808T-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117HVK-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7806T-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117AIG-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7824AK | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808K | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7908K-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7915AIG-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR -15V 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7818AK-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG723T | Microchip Technology | TO-99-10 | IC REG LINEAR POS/NEG ADJ TO99 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808T | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7815T | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR 15V 1.5A TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG137AT-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LIN NEG ADJ 500MA TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| MAQ5300-3.3YML-TRVAO | Microchip Technology | 6-VDFN, 6-MLF? | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 300MA 6DFN | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1700T-3302E/MBVAO | Microchip Technology | TO-243AA | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 250MA SOT89-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1703T-3002E/CBVAO | Microchip Technology | TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3 | IC REG LINEAR 3V 250MA SOT23A-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| LX8213-00ISE-TR | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 300MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7905AIG-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR -5V 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SGR117AIG | Microchip Technology | TO-247-3 | IC REG LIN POS ADJ 1.5A TO247AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117HVT-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7824T-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7915AL-DESC | Microchip Technology | 20-CLCC | IC REG LINEAR 20CLCC | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7808AIG-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG7818AK | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR TO204AD | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117AK-883B | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO3 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1703T-1502E/CBVAO | Microchip Technology | TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3 | IC REG LIN 1.5V 250MA SOT23A-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC2054-2.8VCTTR | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 2.8V 50MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC2015-3.0VCTTR | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 3V 100MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC2055-2.85VCTTR | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LIN 2.85V 100MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1263-3.3VOATR | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 500MA 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1017-2.6VLTTR | Microchip Technology | 5-TSSOP, SC-70-5, SOT-353 | IC REG LINEAR 2.6V 150MA SC70-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1269-5.0VUATR | Microchip Technology | 8-TSSOP, 8-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 5V 300MA 8MSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| LR645N3-G-P013 | Microchip Technology | TO-226-3, TO-92-3 (TO-226AA) (Formed Leads) | IC REG LINEAR 8V 3MA TO92-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1703AT-2502E/MB | Microchip Technology | TO-243AA | IC REG LINEAR 2.5V 250MA SOT89-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1703A-1202E/DB | Microchip Technology | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LIN 1.2V 200MA SOT223-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1302B-HPVMF | Microchip Technology | 8-VDFN | IC REG LINEAR 2.6V/1.8V 8DFN | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1302B-HPVMFTR | Microchip Technology | 8-VDFN | IC REG LINEAR 2.6V/1.8V 8DFN | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1301B-FHAVMFTR | Microchip Technology | 8-VDFN | IC REG LIN 2.8V/2.6V/2.63V 8DFN | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1301A-AAAVUATR | Microchip Technology | 8-TSSOP, 8-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | IC REG LIN 3.3V/3.3V/2.63V 8MSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1725T-3002E/SN | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 3V 500MA 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1727T-2502E/SN | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 2.5V 1.5A 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1826ST-3002E/EB | Microchip Technology | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LINEAR 3V 1A 3DDPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1826-0802E/ET | Microchip Technology | TO-263-6, D2Pak (5 Leads + Tab), TO-263BA | IC REG LINEAR 0.8V 1A 5DDPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1300R-3.0VUA | Microchip Technology | 8-TSSOP, 8-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 3V 300MA 8MSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1827T-1802E/ET | Microchip Technology | TO-263-6, D2Pak (5 Leads + Tab), TO-263BA | IC REG LINEAR 1.8V 1.5A 5DDPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1306R-BDVUA | Microchip Technology | 8-TSSOP, 8-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | IC REG LIN POS PROG 150MA 8MSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117AK-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-204AA, TO-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO3 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1185-5.0VCT713-VAO | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 5V 150MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1726-3302E/SNVAO | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 1A 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1072-1.8VCH713 | Microchip Technology | SOT-23-6 | IC REG LINEAR 1.8V 50MA SOT23-6 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1072-3.6VCH713 | Microchip Technology | SOT-23-6 | IC REG LINEAR 3.6V 50MA SOT23-6 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1073-2.85VCH713 | Microchip Technology | SOT-23-6 | IC REG LIN 2.85V 100MA SOT23-6 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC2054-3.3VCTTR | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 50MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1188QECTTR | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 1.8V 120MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1107-5.0VUA | Microchip Technology | 8-TSSOP, 8-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 5V 300MA 8MSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1269-3.3VUATR | Microchip Technology | 8-TSSOP, 8-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 300MA 8MSOP | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1702T-2302E/CB | Microchip Technology | TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3 | IC REG LIN 2.3V 200MA SOT23A-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1703AT-4002E/DB | Microchip Technology | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LINEAR 4V 250MA SOT223-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1263-2.5VOA | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 2.5V 500MA 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1263-2.5VOATR | Microchip Technology | 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) | IC REG LINEAR 2.5V 500MA 8SOIC | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1263-2.8VETTR | Microchip Technology | TO-263-6, D2Pak (5 Leads + Tab), TO-263BA | IC REG LINEAR 2.8V 500MA 5DDPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1825-5002E/AT | Microchip Technology | TO-220-5 | IC REG LINEAR 5V 500MA TO220-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1265-1.8VETTR | Microchip Technology | TO-263-6, D2Pak (5 Leads + Tab), TO-263BA | IC REG LINEAR 1.8V 800MA 5DDPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1827-0802E/AT | Microchip Technology | TO-220-5 | IC REG LINEAR 0.8V 1.5A TO220-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1827ST-3002E/EB | Microchip Technology | TO-263-4, D2Pak (3 Leads + Tab), TO-263AA | IC REG LINEAR 3V 1.5A 3DDPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1827T-3002E/ET | Microchip Technology | TO-263-6, D2Pak (5 Leads + Tab), TO-263BA | IC REG LINEAR 3V 1.5A 5DDPAK | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1701A-2502I/TO | Microchip Technology | TO-226-3, TO-92-3 (TO-226AA) | IC REG LINEAR 2.5V 125MA TO92-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1702T-4102E/CB | Microchip Technology | TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3 | IC REG LIN 4.1V 250MA SOT23A-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117AIG-DESC | Microchip Technology | TO-257-3 | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO257 | Integrated Circuits |
| MCP1703-5002E/DBVAO | Microchip Technology | TO-261-4, TO-261AA | IC REG LINEAR 5V 250MA SOT223-3 | Integrated Circuits |
| SG117T | Microchip Technology | TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can | IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1.5A TO39 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1054-4.0VCT713 | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 4V 50MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1224-3.6VCTTR | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 3.6V 100MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1073-2.8VCH713 | Microchip Technology | SOT-23-6 | IC REG LINEAR 2.8V 100MA SOT23-6 | Integrated Circuits |
| TC1186-2.6VCT713 | Microchip Technology | SC-74A, SOT-753 | IC REG LINEAR 2.6V 150MA SOT23-5 | Integrated Circuits |