Sourcing Hard Find Electronic Components


Dec 16 2021

Q: When and where the Hard Find Electronics established?

HARD FIND Electronics was established in 2010 in Shenzhen. We specialize in sourcing hard-to-find electronic components with our more than 10 years’ experience.

Q: What is the strong line ?

HARD FIND provides wide range of electronic components.  We focus on distributing short-lead-time components like ICs, Capacitors, Resistors, Diodes, Transistors, etc.

Q: How can I request an inquiry from HARD FIND?

You can send RFQ online or email to with necessary inquiry information (part numbers, quantity)

Q: What is the MOQ at Hard Find Electronics?

Order from 1 piece is available at Hard Find Electronics. We don’t have MOQ.

Q: How about the warranty?

HARD FIND Electronics offers 365 days Warranty.

Q: How can I place the order?

  • RFQ
    Source at least two reliable supplier Check package and function
    Information checking Available/price/condition/lead time
    Check packaging, marking, pins, quantity Professional Third-Party Test
    FedEx, DHL, UPS, TNT

Q: How is Hard Find Electronics shipping arranged?

HARD FIND offers competitive shipping options through top carriers DHL, FedEx, TNT and UPS. We will choose the most acceptable shipping way for you.
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