Sourcing Hard Find Electronic Components

Hard Find Electronics LTD.
Jun 09 2021

Hard Find Electronics LTD. is an independent distributor in electronic components field. For over 10 years, HARD FIND is specialize in sourcing different types of active and passive electronic components, such as ICs, Capacitors and Resistors, Diodes and Transistors, Connectors, Relays and so on, especially the hard-to-find electronic parts.

HARD FIND grows from 3 employees to 20+ serving over 20W global customers. We have always been adhering to the integrity, high quality business philosophy. Customer recognition is our driving force. Based on professional experience, our purchasing team is able to source the inquired products from more than 2 suppliers to offer with a shorter lead time and competitive price. To establish a long-term relationship with our customers, our QC team will check all the parts before shipment to ensure the expected quality.